Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New York Republicans Attack Right-To-Life Party

After the 2002 Governor’s race debacle, the New York State Right-To-Life Party lost its place on the ballot. Supporters this summer attempted a comeback. The RTL submitted 17,237 signatures to the Board of Elections for John Broderick to run as candidate for Governor. The bad news--they were just 2,237 signatures over the minimum and the Republicans challenged the petitions. The Board declared 5,500 signatures invalid on various technicalities, and gave 11,737 as the official and insufficient count. Broderick is reported to be challenging the Board's determination in Court. A final judgment is due by 10/6--but with the arcane and difficult election laws designed to favor the Democrats and Republicans, it doesn't look good.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Casey or Santorum in Pennsylvania

Senate candidates Casey and Santorum are both anti-abortion. Casey is immediately suspect because of his affiliation with a rabid pro-abortion national organization, the Democratic Party. But just as the Republican Party is perfectly comfortable supporting pro-abortion senators, congressmen and governors, the Democrats are trying to appear more tolerant in the Pennsylvania race. The argument about party affiliation is a wash. If a pro-abortion Republican is a negative then it must be admitted that a pro-life Democrat is a positive.

The real difference between Santorum and Casey is Santorum’s ignorance of the plight of working people in America and his unconditional support for Bush’s publicly stated policy that if we think another country might attack us we have the right to kill them.

Santorum endorsed and strongly supported the recent change in the Federal bankruptcy law. The poor credit card sharks were being cheated! The companies ( and not poor people) that borrow their cash from the Federal Reserve at 4 or 5 percent and the minute you miss a payment charge 25 to 29 percent!

I’m voting for Casey and praying he makes a difference. I hope the pro-unjust war policy and pro-robber baron Republicans can learn a lesson.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

News Analysis: Mr. Pope, Know Your Limits!

A few days before Pope Benedict XVI’s speech in Germany sparked widespread protest in the Muslim world, a priest friend forwarded a short article to me on the “dhimmitude” of Christians and Jews in Islam. “Dhimmi” describes the cultural prison in which all non-Muslims are held hostage in an Islamic country. When I clicked on a short report on AOL.com about the reaction to the Pope’s speech against religious violence and the marginalization of religion, the above headline was on a large street-wide protest banner.

Pope Benedict finds himself in an ironic position: he faces a problem parallel to Pius XII – say anything that could be construed as negative about Islam and provoke a pogrom. Still more ironic is that the speech apparently repeated a constant theme of the contemporary Papacy in Europe: building a society hostile to religious faith is self-destructive.

The ignorant reactions of religious fanatics are far less to be feared than the systematic elimination of religious beliefs in public life practiced in the “Western” world. And even that may be less to be feared than some of religion’s “friends” in sheep’s clothing – Let us crusade (oops, Mr. Bush) for Secular Democracy!

Yeah, let us make the world think the Christians in the West are fighting for unlimited
pornography, divorce, same-sex unions, abortion and the ousting of religion from the public square!

A Personal Experience

Recently I responded to a communications company employment advertisement for technical support rep. I filled out the online application. Then I was asked to come in to take pre-employment tests. I was then invited to come in for Human Resources and management interviews. During this process I was told two things very clearly: first, I would have to sign an agreement to help provide “Adult” (pornographic) content to subscribers and, second, my request to have time either Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning to attend Church was not possible.

When they called today to offer the position I said they were not offering me reasonable accommodation to practice my religion. The HR guy said they could not. I said I could not in good conscience assist in the delivery of “Adult” content. The HR guy said thank you and goodbye.

Mr. Christian, Jew or Muslim - know your limits.

Where is the true, most evil and destructive “dhimmitude”?